Aisling Fourie
Hormone and Fertility Nutritionist
Pre-conception begins the moment you
think about trying to conceive
What Does It Include?
60 Minutes £140
The food you eat is one of the most powerful changes you can make when trying to conceive. It's also the change that some clients struggle with the most. I can take away the overwhelm in a few short steps
A 5 day food diary review to assess your nutrient intake
Evidence based, dietary recommendations, that are unique to you! All of which aim to boost your fertility and reduce the risk of miscarriage.
Meal plan with delicious fertility friendly recipes to boost egg and sperm health and to continue nourishing mum throughout pregnancy and beyond
Identify gaps in blood tests, that could provide vital information to help you get pregnant quicker and stay pregnant
How we live impacts our fertility
I provide clients with easy solutions to reducing toxins in day to day life, how to exercise smarter and to improve sleep which is an important factor in fertility
Research is very clear that lifestyle changes can significantly improve fertility rates. That will look different for each individual.
A strong supplement protocol that is based on your needs is priceless. It will help you get pregnant faster.
I've seen people take supplements that has negatively affected their fertility, over dosing on duplicate nutrients and taking nutrients that the body doesn't absorb well.
Are you on the right Supplement Plan for you?
The Fertility Review is suitable for complex fertility cases who have experienced more than one pregnancy loss or multiple unsuccessful IVF cycles. A more appropriate approach would be my 12 Week Fertility Programme. If you would like to discuss your situation further please contact me for a complimentary 20 minute call to see how I can help.