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CoQ10 Ubiquinol or Ubiquinone?

Aisling Fourie Nutrition

Ubiquinol and ubiquinone are two different forms of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), a naturally occurring compound found in every cell of the body. CoQ10 plays a critical role in cellular energy production and is also a powerful antioxidant. The primary difference between ubiquinol and ubiquinone lies in their chemical structures and roles in the body:

CoQ10 is a vital nutrient for

  1. Energy Production in the cell: supports eggs and sperm maturing and cell division after fertilisation.

  2. Powerful antioxidant for egg and sperm: Protects egg and sperm from free radicals which damage these cells as they mature. Think of CoQ10 as a 'big body guard'

BOTH types are powerful antioxidants and support cell energy:

Sperm and egg cells which need A LOT of energy!

BUT Ubiquinol and Ubiquinone are not equal


  1. Ubiquinol is the more Bioavailable source of CoQ10 because Ubiquinone has to be converted into Ubiquinol for the body to use it. There is an extra step involved before it can be used.

  2. Ubiquinol is absorbed more easily by the body, than ubiquinone therefore you may benefit from a smaller dose (less tablets)

  3. Ubiquinol is more expensive, up to double in some cases.


  • Budget is a big factor due to the price of this supplement

  • Age: CoQ10's natural production reduces with age and conversion may be more difficult. Also eggs and sperm quality may need more CoQ10 support in those 35+

  • History of low egg quality, low egg numbers, poor fertilisation rates, poor implantation rates, high sperm DNA fragmentation, poor semen analysis markers


Not everyone needs the more bioavailable, expensive option! But there is a risk that some are using CoQ10 in the wrong amount, that won't make a difference or over using when it's not required.

Is this a supplement for men and women? YES

CoQ1o will help protect the DNA of both the sperm and egg which ultimately is the recipe for your baby

If you are interested in finding out wether you need CoQ10 or not, or would like a supplement review, please get in touch to book a Fertility Review. This is a 1 hr appointment that will help to get you back on track, make sure you have no missing pieces in the puzzle and help you get pregnant quicker.

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